About Us
We're a gregarious group of Aligners (plus a senior economics major at Bates). As Aligners, we're pursuing a Masters in Data Science from Northeastern University's Khoury School of Computer Science. And we're doing it in Portland, Maine at Northeastern's Roux Institute. Like all Aligners, we're starting a new journey, changing direction (and sometimes careers) by getting into tech in a big way. It's a challenge and we're having a blast. Why a blast, you ask? Because it's Maine: the way life should be!
We're not the first. We're following the lead of Aligners that came before us. And after two semesters of prep, we'll be joining the direct entry grad students who already had a BS in CS.
Aligners come from all over the world (even Massachusetts) and we live all over Maine. Come visit our home base at 100 Fore Street on the Portland waterfront. You might even decide that you want to join us, which would be cool.