ME Broadband Availability
This site displays the results of the Roux Institute's DS 5010 Spring 2023 students' attempts to create a Maine-specific Digital Divide Index (DDI) map inspired by Purdue University's Center for Regional Development Digital Divide Index.
Maine DDI Index
Hovering over the map on desktop displays the county, tract number, and DDI index. A higher score indicates a worse digital divide.
The DDI index has two component scores: an infrastructure (INFA) score and a socioeconomic (SE) score that are displayed on the other pages of this site.
The Spring 2023 DS5010 class computed Digital Divide Index (DDI) scores for Maine based on Purdue's DDI methodology. However, the sources of our data are slightly different from Purdue. Broadband data was retrieved from the FCC. We used US Census data for both the geographical mapping and the socioeconomic data. The geographical data was retrieved from the TIGER/Line Shape Files and the socioeconomic data was retrieved from the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year Estimates.
By the way, mywidth
evaluates to "", which has bearing on the appearance of the legend.
Professor Bogden | Tom Henehan | Mitchell Hornsby | Daniel O'Brien | Jayati Samar | Joseph Schweiss | Mohammed Shati | Oluwafunmilayo Somoye | Peter Sternhagen | Wendy Thress | Philip Tran | Ruyang Wang